Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Test Practice

While I'm not sure how many of you will read this before the test, I thought it might help everyone to keep a few topics in mind to study for the test. So here are a few potential questions (feel free to post your own):

How did Deism play a role in the ideologies and statements made by Franklin, Jefferson, and the authors belonging to the Neoclassic school of thought?

How do Wheatley's and Freneau's compositions vary from those of Franklin, Henry, Jefferson, and Paine in both structure and intent?

What is the the goal of each individual author?

How did nationalism play a role in each author's work(s)?

What new ideologies resulted from the pendulum of thought swinging from Puritanism to Neoclassicism? How did they exhibit themselves in the authors studied? What are the authors' persuasive intents and how are their works constructed? Are the arguments effective?

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