Thursday, May 1, 2008

In case you missed it..

Hey guys, it's Allison.

Today, we did another set of timed practice AP questions which seemed to take a weight off of everyone's chests. The questions proved easier than we had expected for an AP exam, so we were pretty excited. However, Mr. Lazarow warned us that we shouldn't get too confident and go into the test thinking we have it in the bag.

After we went over the answers, we talked about the rough draft some more and Ian commented on how he felt quite prepared for the AP exam.

P.S.- congrats on finding your packet, Ian!

Hope everybody keeps preparing for the upcoming AP exams!

1 comment:

Ian B said...

I didn't say I was the only one prepared. I think we are all collectively prepared :P

Thanks for the congrats! It's a relief.