Thursday, May 1, 2008


Hey everybody, it's Stephanie
Sorry this is late, but our track meet was sooo long I didn't really have a chance to blog last night. Thankfully, the information still applies, as we should be spending about an hour on the ole rough draft every night.

Anyway, Wednesday was AMAZING. We finally turned in the outline!!!!!! Then, we began to talk about the rough draft, the next step in the terrific term paper. Here's the gist of it:
~You should reformat the outline into paragraphs
~Use 1 inch margins all the way around (and other MLA formatting)
~In the upper right hand margin, put your last name and the page number of your rough draft, for example:
Jordan 1
Furthermore, the trees of the rainforest are becoming shockingly limited in number, as the funding for preservation...
~ For quotes 4 lines or more, use block quote formatting, or:
-after the anchor, hit the return key
- type the quote and still add the parenthetical citation
DON'T TAB IN AFTERWARD!!!!!! Big no-no, or else you lose points for a quote as a transition, lack of support, and no anchoring... yikes...
~SHUT OFF THE ORPHAN AND WIDOWED PARAGRAPH option. Word automatically has this checked, which we do NOT want.
The due date for the rough draft is dependent on when we receive our outlines from Mr. Laz, and when the due date arrives, we will be doing peer-editing in class, so treat every version of the draft as the final copy.
We began to talk about Longfellow with a record 2 minutes 36 seconds left in class.
The Goblet of Life
~popularly associated with Harry Potter
Assignments: Be working diligently on the rough draft and works cited page (if at all possible), and remember to keep up with the readings (aka Longfellow)
********************Term paper due date: day before prom

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