Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wed-nes-day 1/30

Hey Cristy reporting here for the daily diary of ap language III.
(as you can tell i have failed again to get my own name on the blog) :(

"Mama always told me not to look into the eyes of the sun - but mama, that's where the fun is " - Man fred Mann's Earth Band.

Yes it was originally by Bruce but Mr. Laz likes this version better..sorry brendan, no bonus.
SO today in class we talked about Phillis Weatley "To his Excellency General Washington". Pupils mentioned how the poem exalted Washington and likened him to a king of "Columbia" (the united states). Phillis creates the goddess Columbia to be the patron goddess of the United States in its infancy. We were still discussing the audience and heard points for three: America, France/world, and the enemy. At the beginning of class, approximately 7:50 a.m. the topic of our class celing tile came up. exciting! hmmm....Semantics, Hayakawa, pupils, exploding handshake....all makes for a pretty distracting tile..anywho.... as I was saying. Phillis Wheatley's poem was found to be written after a classical Roman style and overall suggests a purpose of lending hope and inspiration to America during a hard period.
See you all tomorrow!


L Lazarow said...

Excellent post Christy! Although my eyes feel like they do after staring at a Lisa Frank pocket folder. Only kidding. Good work, Carmen.

L Lazarow said...

And that was Ben under laz's name.