Monday, September 24, 2007

The Link, As Promised

Sorry this is so late--this morning, I thought today would be a perfectly normal day...shows just how much I know about predicting the future!

The article is called "Towards Understanding E-Prime," originally written by author Robert Anton Wilson:

It's not very long, although it is a bit complicated--those who see this post, do your best.

See you tomorrow morning--


1 comment:

Brendan said...

One of the examples in this article reminded me of last year's chem class. My teacher said, "An electron is a particle, but it's also a wave." Every single person in the class was completely befuddled. (Or should I say, "Every person in the class appeared to have a look on their face which suggested that the teacher's statement had befuddled them.") If this explanation of the nature of an electron had been made translated into E-prime, the concept would have been much easier to understand.