Thursday, June 19, 2008

The End of a Great Era (anonymous feedback)

Junior Year, as we know it, has come to an exciting close, but so has another era: that of the first AP 3's, the first and last of a great group.
I know Mr. Laz asked for some feedback...
Honestly, at first, I did not see the light at the end of the tunnel. I thought the course was definitely a challenge, except the vocab quizzes, which basically kept my grades up.
Hayakawa was AWESOME. It totally opened my eyes to the world, and it hasn't made me more cynical, just more aware.
I think my least favorite part, as with the majority, was NOT the term paper, but the individual tests on each era. I always seemed to run out of time... But they couldn't be avoided, because they did effectively test our knowledge of each era and our utilization of rhetorical analysis.
The term paper steps were organized, and I felt really confident just because everything had a reason and flowed smoothly. Of course, I hate the idea of a term paper (who doesn't), but as far as they go, this was almost enjoyable, to see that each of us could really produce a knock-out essay.
As I reflect back on the course as a whole, I would have to say I loved it. Every moment was intellectually stimulating, whether I was awake for it or not. Thanks LAZ! Thanks for a great year everyone!

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